3 Things You Must Know Prior to Doing An Enema

Enema's date all the way back to ancient Egypt, not to mention many different cultures.
Hippocrates spent seven years in Egypt learning from the physicians, then brought these practices back to Greece, and they then slowly spread around the world.
In the past, this was the ‘go-to’ remedy for headaches and cold/flu-like symptoms, but somehow we’ve moved away from this sadly.
Enemas however are thankfully starting to make a comeback!
They are easy and cheap to do in-home and a great way to cleanse your body either when you’re not feeling well, or detoxing.
If you're constipated or if you're really sick and things just aren't moving, doing an enema can help you in ways that you can't even possibly imagine.
See below 3 things you must know before doing one..
1. The main benefits of doing an enema
It’s a fact today that a lot of people have slow or poor digestion, especially with the typical western diet which is high in processed foods and low in fresh food which provides fibre.
When your digestive system is 'backed up' and things aren’t moving, an excess of toxic waste accumulates in your digestive system, which can then put additional stress on your liver.
All this excess toxicity can then move into your other organs as your body tries to get rid of it by hiding it away.
As a result, mucus can build up in your lungs, your immune system becomes compromised, and often you can get the flu or other illnesses/viruses because your body is struggling to cope.
What’s the difference between a colonic and an enema?
The main difference is with a colonic you go to a clinic and have someone administer the process for you using a lot of water to continually flush your system and they may also apply a light abdominal massage.
An enema you can do at home in your bathroom and rather than a continuous flow of water, you administer around 2L at a time into your body.
We have the Heal Thy Self Enema Kit, which you can purchase online here.
It holds around two to three litres of fluid.
There’s a little plastic nozzle that’s even smaller than the size of your little finger, and that’s what you insert into your anus using coconut oil or some type of natural lubricant.
Once it’s inserted, you release a flow control clamp which allows water to flow into the colon.
It flushes everything out.
A lot of bad bacteria and things are going on up there, so getting them out can help you to feel better almost immediately.
2. How to do an enema at home and what to put in them?
3. The safety of home enemas
Hands down, enemas should be absolutely safe and an amazing process.
Be gentle when you insert the little nozzle, go for filtered water and make sure the water is not too hot to submerge your hand or elbow in.
If you ever get to the point where it's starting to hurt a little bit or you're not inserting it correctly, listen to your body.
At any point if you feel like there's pain or something going on, you can just stop and wait a few days until you try it again.
Can you do too many enemas?
If you have good digestion there’s no need to do daily enemas.
Here are generally two main reasons:
- You’re feeling constipated or starting to feel sick; OR
- You’re fasting and want to support my body’s detoxification process.
We hope that’s helped you guys learn a little bit about enemas!
If you feel inspired to give your insides a good clean then you can purchase your very own Heal Thy Self Enema Kit here. You might just be surprised what you’ve been holding onto!