A powerhouse pair to support you in longevity and feeling young and beautiful from the inside out.
Heal Thy Self Organic Greens
Nutrient rich vitality boost 5
Heal Thy Self Berry Hit
Antioxidant rich to make your skin glow
This pack combined gives you the perfect nutrient rich, antioxidant powerhouse.
Heal Thy Self Greens are nutrient rich and alkalising, creating the best possible environment for your cells to bathe in and thrive resulting in healthy organs and tissues, including bones, skin and hair.
Heal Thy Self Berry Hit is the ultimate antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals which cause cell damage which can show up in all parts of our body including our skin. When we have a diet high in antioxidants we are creating an amazing environment for our skin.
Overall the Glow Duo will bring radiance and energy to your skin and life through a powerful combination of clean potent superfood ingredients.
Rachelle “As a mum and businesswoman when I take these products on a daily basis I feel like I’m winning. They’re a part of my non-negotiable daily rituals.”
Place either a teaspoon or sachet of Heal Thy Self Greens and Berry Hit in your morning smoothie or juice.
You may choose to have a serving of Berry Hit in the morning and Heal Thy Self Greens in the afternoon for an energy boost!
Both nutrient rich products are also perfect to add straight to pure filtered water.
Wheatgrass is not only super nutrient dense but very cleansing and super supportive in healthy gut activity.
Barley Grass is gluten free (harvested before the grain has grown) and full of fibre, protein and blood building iron which is great for energy.
Alfalfa is cleansing and detoxifying, alkalises the body and is high in Vitamin K, Magnesium and iron for strong bones and blood.
For more nutritional information visit, Organic Greens.
Raspberries are high in vitamin C and manganese protecting cells and tissues from oxygen related damage.
Strawberries are great since they are a seasonal fruit. Rich in vitamin K, potassium, manganese and calcium to build strong healthy bones.
Blackberries contain next level Vitamin C levels and levels of anthocyanins, a type of antioxidant.
Blueberries have one of the highest antioxidant contents, and protect your skin, hair and nails from damage.
Beetroot has been used since Roman times and is amazing for cardiovascular and blood health and an antioxidant powerhouse. It’s a super sustainable ingredient that’s anti-inflammatory and rich in minerals and vitamin C.
For more nutritional information visit, Organic Berry Hit.
A staple in my house
I love these products and always have them on hand. I love that they are organic and pure real food. Thank you for such a great product!
Worth every penny
You can tell that the products are made from the finest ingredients…essential to keep the body in balance if you live a busy & demanding life
Simply amazing
I drink this with pineapple juice and LAWD have mercy! It tastes delicious and makes my skin glow!!!
My daily go to
I take these 2 products every damn day! With all the hats I wear as a woman every day, they help me to feel like i have done something for myself!